January 3, 2008

Every now and then I find a food book that's worthy of mentioning to you. It has to be a book that's not the same old stuff about dieting. It has to be a book that makes me take a fresh look at healthy eating.

I've found one such book lately called Craving Secrets, by Diana Walker. It's like a mini encyclopedia ebook about cravings.

  • Do you know why you crave chocolate?
  • Do you know what may be missing from your diet that could lead to that craving?
  • Do you know what you can eat or drink or do to help you with the craving?

We all know that cravings can screw up the best weight loss intentions. How many times have you started out gung ho and ended up eating a whole bag of chips? This book explains why you have these cravings and what to do about them.

Along with the ebook is a very informative Q&A audio. When I listened to the audio I realized that this author really knows her stuff! I can see why she's called the Cravings Coach.

Check this out - after you read the book, Diana will answer any of your email questions for the next month. Wow, think of the possibilities when you have your own personal cravings coach!

The book is laid out in an easy to read format, and what she says makes perfect sense. My favorite thing about the book is the Conquer the Craving section after each topic.

So if you're trying to get yourself off sugar, chocolate, bread or any other craving then this book, Craving Secrets, is a good buy in the right direction. Just think about how great you're going to feel when you stop putting so much crap into your personal machine - your body. It would be nice to have more energy, wouldn't it? Make this your year.

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